Tag: Performance and Power

More Time. More Focus. More Love. Less Stress.

Leading the Pack: Dog-Inspired Insights into Strong Leadership

Sarah was like the go-to leader at her marketing role, always there with guidance, support, and a dose of inspiration. In a big client meeting, she totally owned it, speaking up confidently, tackling issues like a pro, and then celebrating the win with her team. Throughout the week, Sarah kept the vibes positive, encouraged her…
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Win an Argument

5 Steps to Let Go and Leap Forward

I was speaking with a client the other day.  She was angry.  Really angry.  Nothing was working right, her bank account was fluctuating wildly,  and she was working harder than ever.  She had every right to be angry.  For a very long time, she had struggled, hoping, praying and pushing through whatever came her way…
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The emotion isn’t important… or is it?

Twenty years ago, I was mad.  Angry.  Trying to get ahead.  Pushing it.  Using all of my mental powers to build my business, enhance my career and working hard just to get a little bit ahead.  I was running a $5 million business at the time, and I didn’t have the luxury to stop and…
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You’re only 6 steps away from living your passion

Have you seen the movie “Up In The Air?”  I went to see it recently and found the main character’s passion interesting. In case you haven’t seen it, the movie is about a guy who travels the country, 300 days per year, and fires people for a living. He loves every aspect of traveling, especially…
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Breakdown? Or Breakthrough?

“Worry is a waste of energy” The year was 1984 and Iwas a year out of high school.  Having decided that I was grown up enough to live in my own apartment, (even though I couldn’t really afford it), with a rusty old ugly green sedan for transportation, I muddled through.  Working a part time job…
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Getting ready to get ready

Stuck is not a fun place to be. Yet for so many, stuck seems to be a state that is stubbornly present, even defeating in the lives of so many. You know, the web site tweak that just has to be done before you promote, the sales script that needs to have every word perfect…
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Slow down to speed up

Just finished watching the movie Peaceful Warrior.  (If you haven’t seen it, go grab a copy at the DVD store.  It’s one you’ll want to see more than once). In the movie, Dan, the main character, has a very busy life. He’s a young college student and athlete, bound for the Olympics, he trains hard,…
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What happens when you “What if?”

It was 3:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, and I was walking out of the movie theater with a giant knot in the pit of my stomach.  I had just seen the movie “2012”. After going in with much anticipation and knowing that I would need to keep a strong mind to be able to stay…
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Who’s in charge?

Over the years, I’ve been doing a lot more life coaching (which I absolutely LOVE) helping people over panic, anxiety, worry, fear and self-confidence challenges, along with a host of other emotional and mental challenges that keep you stuck and feeling alone.      I used to think that getting things done was all “mind over matter”, but not…
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“Something’s got to change….”

Every year about this time, I start thinking about what my theme word will be for next year.  Then, in December, I will take the last 2 weeks and reflect, review and clean up whatever I need to in order to keep thing rolling. This year has definately been a year of high-impact change.  (Funny,…
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