Author: Stephanie

More Time. More Focus. More Love. Less Stress.

You Need To Know Yourself

Here’s the One Person You Need to Know Above Everyone Else

Originally published on It’s true what they say about success. It ’s all in who you know. But who is the MOST important person to know? It’s you.


Information Overload? Here are 5 Positive Ways to Deal With Incoming Communication

Originally published on For many people, dealing with the endless amount of incoming communication can be overwhelming and lead to information overload.


Want to make a solid impression? Include These 5 Things In Your Elevator Speech

Originally published on Most people answer with, “I’m a lawyer,” ‘I’m a plumber,” or some other label. It’s a perfectly correct answer, but what if you knew that the simple answer you give could make the difference between being remembered and referred or forgotten immediately?

Productivity and Organization

Here are 6 Ways to Organize Your Tasks (Without Buying Any New Gadgets or Gimmicks)

Originally published on You are frustrated because you didn’t get enough done. You are not alone. The lack of time (and lack of time management) is an epidemic and a virus eating away at your productivity.

Law of Attraction

Want More Time, Money or the Perfect Partner? Here are 6 Steps to Help You Get It

Originally published on Sitting on the couch waiting for a million dollars to fall in your lap? That probably won’t work. Want to make your dream a reality? Yes, absolutely. But, how — that’s the question. You aren’t born with all the answers to achieving what you want in life. Most people don’t even…
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Win an Argument

Here’s The 1 Word You Should Use If You Want To Win Any Argument

Originally published on Take a look at some of the great debates in the world. Whether the debate is on a worldwide political scale, a nationwide economic scale, a customer service nightmare or an ongoing battle with a teenager, both parties want a “win.”

Sell Your Products

The 5 Step Game Plan to Sell Your Products Without Selling Your Soul

Originally published on If you are like many business owners, the idea of changing someone’s life and solving a problem because of your product, service or idea keeps you going. Day after day, you perfect it, knowing that someday, someone will come along, love you, your product or service, and see the brilliance for…
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Making a decision

3 Keys to Making the Right Decision Every Time

Originally published on Changing jobs. Buying or selling a house. Getting married or divorced. Of course these are huge life decisions requiring thought, planning and effort. So you gather information, ponder, ask for advice and consider the options, hoping for the best.

9 Things To Look For If You Want to Stay Out of the Destructive Narcissist Web

Originally published on They have “something” about them. It’s an “it” factor that makes you want to know more. Maybe it’s a great smile, confident posture or a funny wit. Or maybe they attract attention in the room – either by being overly brazen or quietly commanding. They have wonderful stories, great adventures and…
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Marketing in All Directions? Here are 3 Ways To Avoid Wasting Your Advertising Dollars

Originally published on You have customers. You’re making sales. And you’re ready to grow. So where do you start? If you’re like many, you start with the Internet. Okay.