Month: July 2016

More Time. More Focus. More Love. Less Stress.

Why the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work

Dallas is a beautiful town, I think. I wouldn’t know because I’ve been in a  hotel conference boardroom with a speaker client doing a 2 Day Turnaround session to clarify her business message and clear her head. We’re knee deep in “stuff” and it’s a blast getting everything organized into a plan. Just as I…
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How do I prioritize all the stuff I have to do?

I get questions all the time about how to get more done with less stress. This week, Nancy asks: Q: Nancy asks, “How do I prioritize what’s important, when it all seems so urgent?” A: You know I’ve got a list right now of 234 tasks that I absolutely want to get done. The question…
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Win an Argument

5 Steps to Let Go and Leap Forward

I was speaking with a client the other day.  She was angry.  Really angry.  Nothing was working right, her bank account was fluctuating wildly,  and she was working harder than ever.  She had every right to be angry.  For a very long time, she had struggled, hoping, praying and pushing through whatever came her way…
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